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Corporate Blog
Handling the Madness of Renting a Car
August 24, 2022

Handling the Madness of Renting a Car By Ben ShureThe rental car industry is back to being one of the biggest rental industries in the United States after it took a dip

How to get corporations back to the family owned companies they once were?
August 17, 2022

How to get corporations back to the family owned companies they once were? By Ben Yuter When ordering pizza the last thing you want to do is to go through a call

In-App Communications – Myth Busting 
October 26, 2020

In-App Communications – Myth Busting By Nir SimionovichSince the early 2000's, VoIP and particularly mobile VoIP is suffering from bad rep. Most businesses (and to an extent network engineers and communication consultants)

Work From Home Jobs, A look into the future
October 19, 2020

Add Your Heading Text Here "Work-From-Home" searches across the US in the past 7 days. 19 Oct 2020 Work From Home searches are surging, a clear indicator that the workforce of the

Telemedicine at a Touch 
November 6, 2019

Telemedicine at a Touch By Bernard WatembergPicture yourself leaving a hospital room after several days of high-quality care by trained nurses and doctors. You have just survived a high-magnitude health-related issue and

Why Privacy and SecurityGDPR/HIPAA
December 18, 2018

Why Privacy and SecurityGDPR/HIPAA Security and privacy are key elements that play a major role in a company’s success. The first major privacy and security element is providing the customer privacy. If

What’s in Store for the Future of Shopping?
October 28, 2018

What’s in Store for the Future of Shopping? By Bernard Watemberg E-commerce first became possible in 1991. It only accounted for roughly 1% of total retail sales in the U.S. by 2000.

The Regional CPaaS
September 16, 2018

The Regional CPaaS

September 16, 2018

By Nir Simionovich The CPaaS Revolution The CPaaS revolution (Communications Platform as a Service) officially started almost 10 years ago. It’s roots can be traced back to the original inception of the

We’re Virtually Dating
July 19, 2018

We’re Virtually Dating By Benjamin Wasserman Over the past decade, technology, and more specifically mobile applications, has significantly changed the average person’s day to day life. There seems to be an app

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