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Analytics and Call Tracking​

track your marketing dollars

Call analytics had become the de-facto standard for analysing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns – be it online or offline. The ability to properly adjust your marketing budget, based upon data is crucial for your business success.

from marketing guesswork to marketing science

Marketing Analytics​

From measurement to sentiment

Each call made to (or from) your sales contact center is valuable. The data elements attached to each call can be analysed – producing brand new insights to your customers behaviours and trends. Ranging from simple information such as time of day and call durations through call recording and sentiment analysis. The information extrapolated from each call teaches a business more about its customers, what they want, how they feel and most important – how to provide them with a better service or product.

  • Track the time of day and days of the week – to accurately predict a customers call answering rate.
  • Record calls to enable sentiment analysis and analyse contact center agent performance.
  • Use simple click-2-call techniques to convert customers faster and easier.
  • Integrate Cloudonix’s Web SDK and add call features directly to your online assets. Use QR codes to convert offline assets to online assets at ease.
Call Tracking And Marketing Automation​​

Better Data At Lower Cost​

streamline your marketing budget

Call analytics helps you identify which advertising channels are driving the most calls, allowing you to optimize your advertising spend and focus on the most effective channels. Use a mixture of phone numbers (you can bring your own) and online web calling pages to accurately track and experiment with your marketing campaign. With Cloudonix, the same agility your accustomed to with online advertisement is now available for tracking voice calls to your contact center.

  • Create different calling options for different media channels.
  • Track prospects and customers beyond the landing page itself.
  • Provide a rapid response to inbound sales leads – right when the customer is hot to buy.
  • Integrate with your favorite LowCode/NoCode services (zapier,, pipedream, etc) to create your ultimate tracking soltion.

Integrate with any of these platforms

Disclaimer: Logos presented are of services and platforms Cloudonix customer’s have integrated with Cloudonix.

More options, More Sales

Be Local, Go Global

Going from local to global can be scary – specifically if your sales are done on the phone. Ranging from changing regulatory conditions from country, to country and maintaining multiple phone numbers for each country – the task can be both complex and expensive. Call analytics provides a “birds’ eye view” of your global marketing spend – enabling you to optimize spend as you progrss.

  • Save costs by triggering calls from remote countries, without the need for a phone number.
  • Connect local services providers in multiple countries to a single unified platform.
  • Get full control over your telecom spend, with not hidden costs or small print.
  • Integrate with your existing contact center platform – no need to change existing workflows or platforms.

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